
Our next audition call will be for our November 2025 production – watch this space!
How do I apply to sing with HGO?
Our audition call notices are placed on our website. These have full details of the audition process including how to apply and what the audition process will be, including what pieces to prepare. If you are on our audition alert list you will be automatically notified.
May I have a remote audition?
If you are invited for audition, a remote audition is at the discretion of the audition panel. In normal times all auditions are in person at a location in London.
If offered a role, when will I know which cast I’m in?
Each production is double-cast. Directors and Music Directors will have their own preferences for deciding on the split of singers into casts, some deciding before rehearsals begin, whilst others may want to work with the singers for a period first.
When will the rehearsal schedule be finalised?
Rehearsal schedules are part of the audition notice, but these are indicative only. As we near the rehearsal period these will be firmed up and each singer will know when they are required. Singers are asked to declare their availability at the time of audition.
Will I be paid to sing with HGO?
HGO is a non-profit charity and is managed by volunteers. We do not have the resources to compensate singers with payment . However we seek to make an allowance towards singers’ expenses; this is of the order of £400/singer, and will be specified in letters of engagement.
“HGO offers a fantastic chance to develop as an opera performer: to perform with an orchestra; to be seen in performance by critics and potential future employers; and more…” We look forward to receiving your audition enquiries.HGO Audition Enquiry
Our operas are usually performed in May and November each year. A new opera is announced around 9 months ahead of performance dates.
Our call for singers is normally about 6 months before production. Please register your interest on our Audition Alert form and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. We consider all applications. A short list is called for interview.
Orchestra, crew, other roles
We don’t seek musicians or production teams – these are usually organised by the directors themselves.
Please add me to your Audition database and email me with details of the next HGO Audition.HGO Audition Alert