Don Giovanni
6-15 NOV 2015
Upstairs at the Gatehouse in Highgate
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A new production of Mozart’s Don Giovanni in an exciting new concept set in modern-day Oxford University, developed by Genevieve Raghu, with a new English translation by Benjamin Hamilton. The Music Director will be Jonathon Heyward, who has just won the highly prestigious Besançon International Competition for Young Conductors. This will be Hampstead Garden Opera’s 30th and final opera performed at Upstairs at the Gatehouse, before moving to their new home at Jacksons Lane next year.
Director Genevieve Raghu introduces the production; “Don Giovanni still has astonishing relevance today. We live in a time where our needs and wants can be met instantly; we need only to swipe left or right on our phones to organise the next intimate encounter. In our modernised production, dating websites and social media put thousands of women at serial womaniser Don Giovanni’s fingertips.”
“Don Giovanni is highly respected, highly charismatic and incredibly charming. In our production, he’s a ‘Don’ at Oxford University, and cloaks himself in all the respectability that it affords him: an effective disguise for the seedier side of his life.” The themes of honour and reputation that weigh heavily in the opera may carry less punch in our progressive modern times, but within the private clubs of Oxford University their influence is still to be found, powerfully concentrated. It’s an ancient institution within a modern world, where name and prestige still carry huge social weight, and that’s why we thought it a perfect setting for our production”.
“In addition to this, Oxford boasts an association with the crime drama inspired by Colin Dexter’s Inspector Morse franchise. Fans of the genre will already be familiar with the atmosphere of upper-class intrigue and champagne-soaked criminality that Dexter created, and our Don Giovanni fits perfectly into his world. We will reinvent Don Giovanni for a new generation, in recognisable surroundings but with complete fidelity to the core values of the legend.”
Don Giovanni
Joseph Kennedy
NOV 6, 8 (mat), 11, 13, 14
Jerome Knox
NOV 7, 10, 12, 14 (mat), 15
Samuel Lom
NOV 6, 8 (mat), 11, 13, 14
James Quilligan
NOV 7, 10, 12, 14 (mat), 15
Donna Anna
Emma Dogliani
NOV 6, 8 (mat), 11, 13, 14
Luci Briginshaw
NOV 7, 10, 12, 14 (mat), 15
Donna Elvira
Heather Caddick
NOV 6, 8 (mat), 11, 13, 14
Fiona Hymns
NOV 7, 10, 12, 14 (mat), 15
Sofia Troncoso
NOV 6, 8 (mat), 11, 13, 14
Rachel Tolzman
NOV 7, 10, 12, 14 (mat), 15
Shaun Aquilina
NOV 6, 8 (mat), 11, 13, 14
Robert Clark
NOV 7, 10, 12, 14 (mat), 15
Don Ottavio
Timothy Reynolds
NOV 6, 8 (mat), 11, 13, 14
Gethin Lewis
NOV 7, 10, 12, 14 (mat), 15
Il Commendatore
John Suddaby
All dates
Chorus Soprano
Camilla Jeppeson
All dates
Chorus Alto
Lara de Belder
All dates
Chorus Tenor
Luke Churchill
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Chorus Bass
Michael Robson-Kiernan
All dates
Stage Director
Genevieve Raghu
Music Director
Jonathon Heyward
Musica Poetica London
Stage Manager
Rosie Cassell
Rosanna Vize
Lighting Designer
Ben Donoghue
AV Designer
Douglas O’Connell
Assistant Stage Manager
Ruth Knight
Movement Director
Lucy Cullingford
Principal Music Director
Oliver-John Ruthven
Benjamin Hamilton
Jane Wild, Camden New Journal
Coming soon.